Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hey everyone,
Okay so...not EVERYONE. but if you read on you'll know who you are.
Lately a lot of my old friends have made their way back into my life. A few i thought i'd never talk to again, a few i wouldn't have missed (but would now)...and a few new ones. Just wanted to make a blog shoutout to Eddy (ily forever and ever), Landon (your still nerdiibird), Kenna (the bestest friend :D), and Martin D. (i don't know you too well, but you rock my socks off).

That's it. Love to all of you, and hope I know you for a long time, because you all make my life smashing.


Friday, December 12, 2008

My heart?

If you want to be really sweet to someone you like (who knows French of course) you can say, "Puis-je avoir votre coeur?" (Pwee-zhea ah voir vot koor) ...i think. It means, "Can I have your heart?". hehe lemme know if im wrong. Thanks. ;)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

this is a totally beautiful movie. i've watched it like two times's one of my favorites, and a great way to listen for the little french I do know.
i love it forever. ;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Wow. Okay, so this is my second blog.
(my first one's on wordpress [fantabulous site])
so this is kind of odd.

I'm not sure what will become of this, but i think i might make it a makeup blog!
Or maybe a photo blog!
Or perhaps a blog in which to track my French? ;)
Or maybe a bizarre combination of all three! *gasp*

So...lets just get first things out of the way.
I'm Randi. Enchante.

The looks I like to work:
  • classic (vintage)
  • hardcore (new wave)

What can I say, I'm ocd. It's either one extreme or the other...whatever I'm feeling that day.